Corporate Sponsorship Packages
If you want to access our important SME pharma responsible network we invite you to become Sponsor of our event and to choose one of the package here below:
Gold Sponsor €5500
3 Complimentary Delegate Places
Exhibition Stand
A4 Advert in delegate map
Sponsor on Europharm Website
Highlighted at Gala Dinner
Silver Sponsor €4000
2 Complimentary Delegate Places
Exhibition Stand
A4 Advert in delegate map
Sponsor on Europharm Website
Bronze Sponsor €2500
1 Complimentary Delegate Places
Exhibition Stand
Sponsoring partnership : ave@europharmsmc.org
About Us
Europharm SMC is the European Pharmaceutical Association representing Medium Sized pharmaceutical companies.
"The European business network for entrepreneurs and medium-sized pharmaceuticals companies"
Our Mission is:
To promote and to assist companies in developing cooperation and synergies with partners in the EU and the rest of the world.
To contribute to the achievement of a favourable economic and regulatory framework for the development of medium-sized pharmaceuticals companies in Europe.